Magbite Gracy
Magbite Gracy
It features soft and delicate action centered around the center of the body.
When retrieved slowly, it moves gently just below the surface like a sinking pencil, and when retrieved quickly, it dives deep but wobbles precisely. (When retrieved with the rod upright, it swims in a layer between 30cm below the surface, and when retrieved with the rod laid flat, it swims in a layer between 50cm and 80cm.)
Both the SF and SS types stay perfectly still without any vertical shaking, which doesn't make the fish feel uncomfortable and induces them to bite.
11 colors Size: 38mm
Weight: SS (Slow Sinking) 2.8g
SF (Slow Floating) 2.5g
#14 treble hooks are standard.
Recommended Fishing Spots:
Anywhere that you might have aggressive hunting fish in mid to high water collumn.
Beaches, Estuaries, Harbours.
Best methods:
Cast and retrieved
Main Target Species:
Bass, Pollock, Mackerel, Scad, Herring, Garfish
Shipping & Returns
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